Friday, August 5, 2011

Home sweet home. There's nothing better. I have only been gone for a week, but it felt like a month. Last Thursday we left at 6 p.m. to go Hamtramck, Michigan for a missions trip with my youth group. Around 12 a.m. we arrived, and hauled all our stuff into a rickety, stuffy, and dirty apartment that was completely empty except for a couch and a table. There was also a large pile of twin sized mattresses which we all ended sleeping on. There were seven of us girls, and the two leaders, Mrs. Stepp and Mrs. Wilson. The apartment was crowded, and since the shower did not work we had to take showers at the Acts 29 building. To say the least, those three days we were there we slept with the bugs, the dirt, the sweat, and the unknown. The work we did was strenous, but the best part of the trip was when we were able to talk to some of the residents. I never knew a Muslim girl could be so much like myself, and I found I had been judging them without even knowning it.
We left a day early to travel to Bealuh Beach for our Fleetwood family reunion. When I got there all I could do was sleep, unfortunatly, it was just as hot as Hamtramck. I did not do much of anything except sit around. On August 4th, it was my birthday so Mom and Dad took me out to Panera for breakfast and when we got back it was time for family photos and games. After some exciting three-footed races, we went back to the house and changed into our swim suits. We then went swimming in Lake Erie which was somewhat cold, but still a lot of fun. Because Mom busted her foot on Tuesday, I had to stay up late to clean the cabin and get ready to leave at 9 the next morning. Awoken rudely, I was in a bad mood the next morning and grudgingly got all our junk and myself, into the car.

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